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NJ Map Welcome to the TAX BOARD PORTAL, the Monmouth County Board of Taxation ’s gateway to a growing list of electronic taxpayer services

NEW SERVICE: TIARA - Taxpayer Informal Assessment Review Application – the purpose of TIARA is to provide the taxpayer with a free and informal means of submitting questions and supporting documents (pictures, maps, narratives) regarding their future property assessment . Submissions will be reviewed annually by the Assessor prior to the delivery of the next Preliminary Tax List November 1st.

If the information submitted by the taxpayer warrants a change in the future assessment the Assessor may change the assessment for the following year, thereby avoiding the need for a formal appeal process. If upon receipt of their new assessment in November the taxpayer thinks their assessment does not reflect the current value of their real property, they may file a formal appeal.

TIARA will be opened each May, after the current year’s appeals and closed for submission early October, before the Assessor's submission of the Preliminary Tax List.